Mission: The Natural History Museum «Vera Alleman H.» of the Ricardo Palma University is a scientific institution that seeks to generate and share knowledge about past and present biodiversity through exhibitions focused on evolution. Promoting interest in the knowledge of science in students, the general public and also to make them aware of the conservation of the environment and natural heritage.
Vision: To be a reference and inclusive institution where the learning of natural sciences is generated, shared and promoted from significant experiences. Also, promote the care, protection and conservation of the environment and natural heritage, helping to create a knowledge society.
About us: The museum currently houses a rich collection of representatives of the Peruvian flora and fauna, both current and fossil, including unique specimens, with which new species are described. The activities of the museum never end, projects related to the knowledge of our biodiversity, and its situation in the face of incessant human progress, are always being carried out.